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Learn with us everything you need to bring your images to a new level.
Image retouching classes and design programs.

Students say

Laura Sánchez Navarro
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos student


Tener a Miguel Ángel como profesor fue una experiencia enormemente enriquecedora...

Blanca Rodríguez Calvo
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos student


A pesar de que la mayoría no habíamos tocado el programa, se nos hizo medianamente fácil con...

Irene Flores Álvarez
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos student


Las clases de Miguel Ángel eran entretenidas y didácticas. Compartimos pocas cosas con él...

María Lázaro Rivera
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos student


Miguel Ángel impartió sus clases de forma cercana, paciente y, sobretodo, profesional...

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The perfect experience

We teach you to retouch your images in a direct and simple way.

Analyzes the image

Knowing what we must change is fundamental. Value the image before editing.

Edit it

Modifies the color and light of the image until it looks like you want.

Use professional techniques

Edit the image selectively taking care of the small details.

The best result

The image result has been perfect. It's time to edit a new one.

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We like to retouch images

The best way to convince you, is showing you part of our work. Find out what you can learn with our courses. We teach you the techniques. Your imagination does the rest.

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Miguel Ángel Monteliú

As a photographic retoucher I use edition to change the light and color of the tiny pixels. As an educator I convey my passion and knowledges to make your images stand out and fulfill their task in the best possible way.

Are you a photographic retoucher?

Nobody has the perfect face of the right image. The original photograph is not real neither. It is the interpretation that the camera made of reality. If you want to know how to do the change between the two images, you're photographic retoucher.

We offer you

Comprehensive analysis of the image. Check the brightness and color of your images before you start editing. Photo retouching begins understanding the image.

Apply general settings that affect the entire image. Repairs the image (healing brush and clone stamp). Use adjustment layers, get focus with accurate and control the histogram.

Selective and professional editions. Change the image areas that need to be adjusted and protect those who you don't want to change. Adjustment by channel, masks and complex selections.

Learn graphic design with industry-leading tools, using the best methodology. We help you to master the programs without forget provide solutions to your own designs.


Individual classes

More than 10 years of experience as teachers in private lessons. The fastest way to advance your education. We show programs from start to finish in classes adapted to your needs.

Groups and seminars

Three years of experience training business groups and photo retouching seminars. Experience with groups of 30 to 40 students (university education). Easy adaptation of the classes to the medium level of the group.

At distance and in english

For students who are not possible face to face classes, we offer the possibility of teaching classes through Skype or other similar platform that allows it. We also teach in English.

How classes are

Individual and group classes adapted to the level of program's knowledge you need. Follow one of our courses or tell us what you want to learn and we'll adjust them to your needs. You will learn to analyze images, to edit and organize them. You will perform practical exercises and acquire experience without forgetting creativity.
